You can easily register with one click on the “Sign up” on the homepage in the right corner. Please fill in the required field and click on create an account.
After registering an account is created by your name where you can track your orders, order history, and update your details.
The app will only allow you to go through the products only but to shop or place, orders registered members are authorized.
Nothing to worry about. Just enter your registered mobile number and click on send OTP. An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. Verify with the given OTP and reset the password. If you are facing any sort of problem, please contact our customer care team.
To purchase the product, you must buy monthly plans that end with a certain validity period.
To order the product you must go on Active Plans, Select the product and its quantity, and click on the tab confirm order.
You can order the product as per your requirement.
  • Paytm
  • Credit card/Debit card
  • COD (Cash on Delivery)
  • Google Pay
In such a case, the amount will be refunded to you or adjusted on your next purchase. For more assistance contact to our customer care.
The product ordered will be delivered between 7:00 am to 10:00 am.
Zero delivery charges.
You will receive a call from us.
You can order the product as per the quantity mentioned in your plan.
The portal opens at 6:00 am and closes at 8:00 pm daily.
Yes, you can make the changes by clicking on the edit tab, if you face any problem, you can contact our customer care immediately.
Right now, we covered Varanasi city only.